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Religious Education

Within Malone College, Religious Education is about understanding where beliefs come from and why people view the world differently.  It’s about pupils working out what they want to believe and why.  It is about asking questions and weighing up different beliefs, opinions and experiences.

It’s about exploring some of the oldest questions that have ever been asked Such as:

Where did we come from?

What is the meaning of life?

Who or what created the world?

Within Malone College Religious Education is not about telling your child what to believe but to help them understand and explore their own faith and the faith of others.

The following outlines the units of work that the pupils complete.


Journeys One

Year 8

Who am I?Learning Intentions:  By the end of this unit…

  • You will have considered the term identity and what it means.

  • You will understand what self image is and how sometimes others see us differently from how we see ourselves.

  • You will explore what Christians believe it means to be beautiful in the eyes of God.

  • You will know that Christians believe that all human beings are special and unique to God.

God and the Bible

Learning Intentions:

By the end of this unit…

  • You will know that the Bible is an important book to many people.

  • You will understand that the Bible has changed many people’s lives.

  • You will be able to identify that the Bible is made up of different types of books.

  • You will recognise that Christians believe that the Bible is one way that God communicates with people.

  • You will understand that the Gideons is one example of an organisation that tries to spread the Bible’s influence throughout the world.

Who is Jesus?

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

  • You will know details of the story of the birth of Jesus.

  • You will have considered Jesus’ mission to change the world.

  • You will have examined the characters of the men Jesus chose as his disciples.

  • You will have looked at examples of Jesus’ power in action.

  • You will know that Jesus was put to death and why.

  • You will have considered Jesus as a role model and his significance for people today.

The Story of Ruth

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have explored the story of Ruth.

  • You will have discovered how Ruth chose to be faithful to Naomi and what it means to be faithful.

  • You will have looked at examples of the obedience of Ruth and have analysed the concept of obedience as an important part of having relationships with others.

  • You will have investigated how Ruth trusted Naomi and have considered the importance of trust in everyday life.

  • You will have discussed how the characters in the story chose to love people who where different to them.

  • You will have identified the emotions a person may experience when they feel like an outsider.


Learning Intentions:

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have explored the history of the Jewish community in Northern Ireland.

  • You will have discovered some of the key beliefs within Judaism.

  • You will have researched the Jewish place of worship.

  • You will have examined the Jewish festival Passover.

  • You will have explored the Bar Mitzvah, a Jewish rite of passage.

The Christian Church

Learning Intentions:

By the end of this unit…

  • Know that there are many denominations within the one faith.

  • Recognise the furniture in the Roman Catholic, Baptist and Presbyterian churches.

  • Understand the meaning and be able to locate the furniture in these churches.

  • Understand that Baptism is about belonging to a particular church family.

  • Realise that are differences between how each denomination carries out baptism.

  • Know and understand what happens at a Roman Catholic Baptism, a Baptism and a Presbyterian church.


Journeys Two

Year 9

What a wonderful world

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have explored different creation stories and discovered that within many of the stories humans are given the responsibility to look after the world.

  • You will have discussed various ways the earth is being destroyed and why people chose to act in this manner.

  • You will have identified ways in which individuals can help to improve the environment.

  • You will have discovered what Christians believe about how they should respect God’s creation and what Christian charities and churches are doing to ensure they are looking after the world.

  • You will understand the affects of climate change on the poorest countries.

Growing Up

Learning Intentions.  

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have explored many issues that young people have to deal with on a daily bases.

  • You will have examined what some religious groups teach about these issues.

  • You will have discovered what the Bible teaches on these issues.


Learning intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have explored the story of Easter through some of the main characters involved.

  • You will have assessed the importance of the events of Easter for the followers of Jesus.

  • You will have assessed the relevance of the Easter story for Christians today.


Learning intentions:    

By the end of this unit…

  • You will have learnt about the history of the Muslim community in Northern Ireland.

  • You will have explored the life of Muhammad (pbuh)

  • You will have considered the importance of mosques.

  • You will have examined the Five Pillars of Islam.

  • You will have explored some of the significant religious festivals that are important in the Muslim calendar.

C.S. Lewis

Learning intentions:    

By the end of this unit…

You will have explored the life of C.S. Lewis.You will have examined some of his beliefs.You  will have discussed some of his novels and where he got many of his ideas from.


Journeys Three

Year 10

Religious Education


Right or Wrong!

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

You will have explored how  people learn their own moral values;You will have explored and discussed different views that people have about what is right and what is wrong;You will have considered religious views on right and wrong;You will have identified issues in our society and considered differing opinions on these issues.

Lifestyle Choices

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

You will to have defined what addition is.You will understand the problems drunkenness can cause within the family and discover Christian attitudes towards alcohol.You will have explored the damage smoking can do to the individual.You will have researched the dangers of taking illegal drugs.You will have examined why it is important to work and to use your spare time wisely.You will have appreciated the money that we have and discussed Christian attitudes towards money.

Love in Action

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

You will understand that many people tirelessly work to change unfair laws and situations because of the love they feel for people who are oppressed and marginalised. You will have discovered the work that five people did in order to change people’s lives. 

Does God exist?

Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

You will be able to describe who you think God is.You will be able to explore arguments for and against the existence of God.You will be able to understand the issues of natural and moral evil.You will be able to discuss how people experience God in different ways.


Learning Intentions:  

By the end of this unit…

You will have appreciated the historical Buddha and his teachings.You will have examined the main groups within Buddhism and one of their leaders.You will have explored the many different symbols within Buddhism and their meaning.You will have understood Buddhist worship and discover the role of the Sangha within the Buddhist faith and community.


Year 11 & 12

All pupils will complete an OCN Religious Studies qualification that is equivalent to a GCSE.

Pupils will complete nine pieces of coursework over the two years entitled:


Malone Integrated College

45 Finaghy Road North

Belfast BT10 0JB

Northern Ireland

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“Learning For Life Together”

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