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Welcome To Malone College

Our vision at Malone College is to support and encourage each student so that they achieve the best possible learning outcomes from their time here. We concentrate on ensuring that every student will receive an engaging, stimulating and high quality education from our highly professional and committed staff that will prepare them to make the most of their opportunities once they leave school.
One of the most important ways of doing this, and the reason why we are an award winning school for our pastoral care, are the relationships that develop between the teacher and student. For us, it is about positive relationships, consideration for others, respect for learning and being rewarded for effort.
We have high expectations of our students that will allow them to achieve to their maximum capacity. We are committed to keeping our classes small, so that the learning is more focused. For highly achieving students we offer differentiated activities, encouraging high level thinking and problem solving.

“Learning For Life Together”

Thinking Of Joining Us?
The Year 8 Induction Programme
The Year 8 induction programme at Malone College plays an integral role in the guidance of pupils through the transition from primary to post primary education. The induction programme is initiated by the Year 8 Form Teacher and is fully supported by the other Year 8 subject teachers, the Head of Year, the Vice-Principal and the Principal. The programme is aimed at improving relationships between pupils and staff members so that the individual pupil’s educational and emotional needs can be ascertained at an early stage.
An induction evening is arranged for all new pupils in June of each year when each student has the opportunity to meet their form teacher and new classmates. There will be a fun day of activities for the students before the start of the academic year so that year 8 students can get to know each other and meet the staff in a fun and relaxed environment. During this time extra support can be given to those students who are finding the transition difficult and to liaise with parents. The programme also pivots upon an information event held for Year 8 parents at the beginning of the academic year as communication between home and school is key to success.
The induction process continues throughout the first year and parents are welcome to discuss their child’s well-being with the form teacher at all times

The Pastoral Care structure in the College is shaped around Form Classes. There are six Form Classes – M, A, L, O, N and E. Each pupil is allocated to a Form Class upon admission. Mentors from Sixth Form assist new Year 8 pupils settle into school life to ensure they feel comfortable and happy in their new school.
All staff have a specific responsibility for the general welfare of pupils. However, a recognised structure also exists to care for pupils in an effective way.
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